Create a Slightly Better Reality

4/20 Wizard Walkabout

Gentle Hobbit Package

Gentle Hobbit Package


**Gentle Hobbit Package includes sacrament suitable for most questers.**

On April 20, join the wizard Devin Person for a ritualized journey through the wilds of Central Park.

Participants will be provided with organic edible sacraments and an accompanying audio tape, mixing music, magic, and wizardly narration, to guide us on our cannabis-assisted quest.

Wearing individual headphones, the Fellowship will press play simultaneously, and launch into a shared exploration of playful ritual, sublime inner states, and Central Park's vast urban wilderness.

  • 2PM - Gather at Secret Location

  • 2:30PM - Opening Ritual

  • 2:30 - 4:20PM - Questing

  • 4:20PM - High Magick Ceremony

🌿🌿To ensure you receive your audio tape and instructions prior to the ritual, enter a valid email address at checkout!🌿🌿

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