This T-Shirt is a Talisman - Powerful Wizard Magick Shirt

This T-Shirt is a Talisman - Powerful Wizard Magick Shirt
This is no ordinary t-shirt, this t-shirt is a talisman!
When you wear a sick wizard shirt, magical things happen. New friendship are formed, people invite you to join D&D games, and strangers ask if you have any weed. It's magic!
To celebrate his 36th birthday, America's #1 wizard Devin Person is releasing this shirt as part of his ongoing spell to make the world a more magical place. Due to the slightly illegible stoner metal font reading, THIS PODCAST IS A RITUAL, people will constantly ask you what your shirt says, presenting numerous opportunities for synchronicity and connection. By wearing this shirt, you bring wizardry into your own reality.
Featuring design work by Steven Yoyada, based on an original tattoo design by Claudia Billy Baca, this high quality unisex cotton T is imbued with magic in every fiber and available in XS thru 5XL (sizing guide).
But of course, real magic is more than just wearing insanely badass wizard shirts. That's why 22% of all proceeds will go to Kentucky Health Justice Network to support everyone affected by Kentucky's restrictive abortion law and those fighting back against it.
Support wizardry. Support women.
I believe in you. Your magic is real.